

List of Senior Honors Theses 2017


Katano, Minako. “The Settelement of Jewish Immigrants in the state of New York -A History of Migration and the Holocaust” (North American Studies)

Mizuno, Momoe. “Tiger Mothers in the US: Characteristics of Chinese Americans in Parenting” (North American Studies)

Mochizuki, Hinako. “Hawai’i for Japanese Tourists: The Transformation of its image from a ‘Land of Money’ to a ‘Paradise'” (North American Studies)

Naoi, Kurumi. “Taiko and Japanese Americans: Its Influence on the Identity Formation of Japanese Americans” (North American Studies)

Okumoto, Takano. “Migrations from the Philippines: Philippine Nikkeijins’ Acquisition of Japanese Nationality and Their Struggles” (North American Studies)

Saito, Mariko. “Pan American World Airways and Japanese American Stewardesses” (North American Studies)

Takayasu, Meina. “A History of the Japanese American Sports in the 20th Century: The Nikkei Baseball” (American Studies)

Yamasaki, Kimiko. “The Contribution of Karayuki-san in the Japanese History” (North Amerian Studies)

Yoshimura, Mari. “A History of the Japanese American Sports in the 20th Century: The Nikkei Baseball” (Asian Studies) 

