List of Senior Honors Theses 2018
Kamohara, Rina. “The Social Advancement of Nisei Women in Hawaii” (North American Studies)
河村 拓真『1960年代以降のドイツの移民と統合政策:トルコ系ガストアルバイターを中心として』(ヨーロッパ研究コース)
Kawanishi, Ryo. “How Films and Actual Crime Influenced the Social Images of Psychopaths in the US” (North American Studies)
Nameki, Hiromichi. “The Drastic Growth of Macau: From the Base of European Trades to the Richest District in PRC” (European Studies)
Narita, Miku. “The Lives of Korean Orphans as Adopted Children in the US from the 1970s to the Present” (North American Studies)
Shirai, Maria. “Negotiation for ‘Equality': The Exchange Program Conducted between the United States and Japan during WWII” (North American Studies)
Suzuki, Kazusa. “Hispanic Immigrants in Alabama and Their Assimilation to the Society” (North American Studies)
Takei, Haruka. “A Transitional History of the Textile Industry and Its Influence in France: A Case Study of La Toile de Jouy” (European Studies)
Tanaka, Lina. “Toward the Achievement for Multicultural Society in Canada.” (North American Studies)
Yamada, Hikaru. “The Transition of Japanese Canadian Society: Influence of Conflicts between Japan and Canada” (North American Studies)